Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

The faces of Urkesh

Video clips

Giorgio Buccellati – December 2010
Laerke Recht – October 2019

The ease with which it is possible to produce video sequences allows to increase manifold the range of information. The nature of the website allows us in turn to call on video clips from a variety of points of view. The overall organization of clips within the website reflects this variety.

A complete list of all clips is found in the pertinent section of the Mozan sitewide book.

For each clip, separate links are provided to those portions of either the general website or the UGR which the clip illustrates. For example, the clip VC19 (on zoomorphic terracotta figurines) is accessed from both animal figurines and the book UMS 5.

Analogously, the clip VC1 (a sandstorm) illustrates: (a) climatic conditions; (b) the process of wind blown natural build-up; and (c) a type of accumulation we find in the excavations.

While the links referred to so far are all of documentary interest, some of the clips address as well the general interest especially of first time visitors  – for instance the sandstorm clip.

The overall supervision of film and videos is entrusted to Rick Hauser and Laerke Recht, as section editors.

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